I have many reasons for creating this post. One in celebration for M
for reaching the "no appointment needed" stage in her recovery from epilepsy, but also to help a friend who is fighting the same thing we did so long ago. Most of my NOW friends really have no clue how our lives were back 8 years ago with her. There are no words to describe it really so I will not try. I only have images and home videos to see and remind me of many
things God has uniquely made me forget.
I feel we all have our own battles that God equipped us to handle. We were chosen by Him to care for these kids knowing what we could handle. Even if we think we can not.
What are the odds that I chose to go to school to be a teacher and a second major in Deaf education only to find out I would use my sign language later to communicate with my daughter. Who knew that I would be given seizures as a teen to only have a daughter later who also had seizures, was treated with the same medication and I would know what it felt like to have them. To know the tests and know the ropes of the neuro world. Who knew I would be given Celiac Disease only to use the same diet on my Autistic child.
Who knew to move us to a state on the other side of the world 2 months before her birth where the best sensory integration center was 10 minutes from my home...
God knew.
He also knows where we will end up.
Here she is... in the middle of her own world. Fighting seizures, fighting her own life

and here she is now.

a bright, funny girl. Who is NOT mentally retarded. Who DID learn to use the bathroom, who IS a joke teller ( to some extent) and who IS learning beyond 4 years old. Autism is not a cement box. It is a ball of clay that can be changed, molded and shaped beyond the age of 7 into a beautiful piece of art. One that God helped us to know how to create. In His time, in His way. It is not easy. It is not fun.... until you see it shaping itself. Until you hear the laugh at the joke. Until you see her introduce herself to a new friend. It will continue to create and mold but as long as it is continuing we are happy.
We are happy.