I have met my daughter for the first time, again.
Not many people can understand my writing unless you have been there or seen it in someone else's life, but M's issues interfere with us getting to know the real "her".
We feel like on a random basis we meet her... pieces of her.
Never a full picture. Just pieces.
Her pieces are cute.
Her pieces are funny.
Her pieces are so heart felt and loving in her own way.
I nickname her Amelia Bedelia. She is very black and white. No abstract.
No jokes.
No funny sayings.
No "implied" humor
Just flat out black or white.
Well now after 12 weeks of Brain Balance and 7 years of intense therapy... I am meeting her gray.
It is witty.
It is funny.
It is sometimes scary and not filtered
But it is her Gray
It may not be in a rainbow, but we think it should be!