
Normalcy: /n/   the condition of being normal; the state of being usual, typical or expected

in the world of autism there can be no more important word than that. it is where the root of this word is born that you take that definition and create its meaning. 

8:00 she texts all her people good night
8:30 she goes to bed, gets on her jammies, washes her face, i tuck her in. 
8:45 she gets up and gets her water
8:50 she talks to her imaginary friends about her day til she feels comfortable enough to go to sleep
her baby doll on her cheek her small dog tyler in her hand

7:00 she wakes up. not a minute before or a minute later 
7:03 hugs charlie as he runs for dear life from her
7:20 she gets ready for school and never tucks in a shirt, buttons every button the shirt has on it, pulls her pants up so they no longer fit her and she now looks like she has pants a size too short
7:40 she leaves for school, still in her booster seat at almost 12 bc she likes how it feels

attends school and does way more than any child at that school bc it takes her 20 minutes longer to do each thing asked of her

3:00 she get in my car after stimming while watching the tires of other cars go by and can probably name every tire known to man and which make and model the tire belongs. she grabs charlie. and smiles
3:10 she has a snack with charlie
3:20 plays on her ipad until its time to learn more stuff from me that will help teach her how to be a mom when she older. although she has informed me that she will not be a mom bc she wants to just take care of Davis and its too hard to do both. 

5:00 teach her to hold a knife and cut with purpose
5:05 fight her on a new food that she says "feels weird" and she doesnt like the smell
5:30 show her how to get the shower ready and help a child who hates bubbles how to properly clean her body and her hair. IMPOSSIBLE!
6:00 homework bc apparently the teachers felt her previous 6 hours at school weren't enough. Mama can not do improper fractions so google is my BFF. even then i still have no clue. true story.

wash. rinse. repeat.

This is us. this is our normal. is it yours? nope.

in my house i have 2 normals. one that follows a more popular route. then i have hers. its a crazy mix of "do it yourself" and "let me help you". is one better than the other? not in my book. but i will tell you the one that is less popular changed the way i created his normal. 

adjust.   adapt.  change.           go be your normal.              you learn things there.