there is love
there is fight
there are goals
there is war
there are struggles
there is complete and utter determination
and in all of that there is maddux.
for one child who has no clue of what she has accomplished in her 12 years here, she walks through life with nothing but pride in herself. and not pride from the fact that she did x, y and z. but a pride of another kind.
pride that she can blend but is okay when she doesn't
pride that she loves things that spin and thinks others are weird when they do not
pride in her 12 imaginary friends bc they know things others can not help her with
pride in being who she is and not questioning why she is
pride in hatred for socks
pride in fact that she wears nothing other than flat Toms or straight up stilettos
pride in her ability to talk to an animal better than a person bc there is not expressive language she has to deal with bc all they can do is listen
pride that she can blend but is okay when she doesn't
pride that she loves things that spin and thinks others are weird when they do not
pride in her 12 imaginary friends bc they know things others can not help her with
pride in being who she is and not questioning why she is
pride in hatred for socks
pride in fact that she wears nothing other than flat Toms or straight up stilettos
pride in her ability to talk to an animal better than a person bc there is not expressive language she has to deal with bc all they can do is listen
this is something i need to learn to do myself as her mom. so on mother's day i learn from her.
i follow her lead
i trust her like she has trusted me for the last 12 years
maddux and i did this ourselves and today we both choose pride
rest easy my maddux...smiles await you when you rise
rest easy my maddux...smiles await you when you rise